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Open Live Writer

Getting Started with Open Live Writer

Open Live Writer allows you to create blog posts, add photos and videos and publish to your website. Open Live Writer works with many popular blog service providers such as WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Moveable Type, DasBlog and many more. Here is how to get started.

Create a new blog and add it to Writer

If you don't already have a blog, click Add blog account, and then click Create a new blog. Next, follow a few steps to go to the website and create your blog.

Add a blog that you already have

If you already have a blog account, click Add blog account, and then follow the steps to set up your blog in Writer.

Give your post a title

Type a title for your post where it says Enter a post title.

Enter title

Start writing your story

Write your story in the post window. If you want to format the text, use the commands in the ribbon. Create headings by using the options in the HTML styles group. Change the style of a font by using the options in the Font group. You can add links, pictures or video from the Insert group.

An example blog post

Publish your story

When you are done, simply press the Publish button to upload your story and any images to your blog.